Monday, July 29, 2013

Greek Government pulls an "Israeli" style attack on Mt. Athos

In an unprecedented escalation of violence perpetrated by the Greek Government upon innocent monks today, approximately 20 armed men using a bulldozer attacked the property of Esphigmenou Monastery in Karyes, Mt. Athos Greece.  It seems the Greek Government has taken a page out of the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) and tried to bulldozer the property of Esphigmenou Monastery.  Like the Israeli's who want to evict Palestinians off thier lands, the Greek's are trying to "rid" themselves of these defenseless and down trodden monks from the only home they know.  With disproportionate brute force, the Greek government used a bulldozed to try to "evict" the Esphigmenou Monks.  See video:

The monks of Esphigmenou want peace and dialogue to end this dispute, yet the Greek Government has resorted to violence at every turn.  If it's not physical violence, (sledgehammer attack in 2005 and bulldozer attack today - all caught on video) then its the silent kind of violence, an almost constant persecution perpetrated by the Greek Government.  Whether it's using high priced legal maneuvering, identity theft, threats of police force or the cutting off of:  food shipments, monetary funds, fishing rights, and pilgrims, the Greek Government is relentless and clearly over zealous in it means. This is especially true in light of who they are facing - peaceful simple monks who are on Mt. Athos to pray.  Sadly, all of this done at Greek tax payer expense.

If at any time the monks try to defend themselves by throwing rocks or whatever they can hurl at an oncoming bulldozer then the Greek Government and Greek press focus on the retaliation and not the initial unprovoked act of violence.  In fact, according to primary sources and eyewitness, NO PETROL BOMBS WERE THROWN (see press release excerpt below).  However, dozens of monks have died at Esphigmenou monastery since this dispute began and that has not received any press coverage. Many deaths have occurred simply because they cannot get proper medical attention and nutrition due to the Government blockade.

Here's an excerpt from Esphigmenou's press release on today's events: "Contrary to media reports, they did NOT throw any bombs. I specifically asked Fr. Sava about these alleged “bombs” and he said that they do not have bombs and did not throw any bombs. It appears Greek government officials are trying to cover up their complicity in these lawless and criminal activities by spreading false reports to media outlet now that their nefarious activity has been exposed.  The video of the attack shows that there is no evidence of bombs or aggressive action by the monks."

For more info go to

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